TOGETHER we can accomplish more * is an expression simply stated, yet profoundly significant. Cooperation can produce powerful results. When churches determine to work together, their effectiveness increases by multiples.
The Word of God is inherently powerful to save and equip those who respond in faith to its message (II Timothy 3:15-17).
The Reedy Creek Missionary Baptist Church Association is a partnership of Baptist churches committed to the Great Commission mandated by Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20).
Since its beginning in 1878, we have been synonymous with an allegiance to the Word of God, a focus on the local church, and a passion for worldwide missions.
Currently, there are thirty-eight(38) churches in this association.
As a member of the Association, you have access to training workshops, seasoned pastors and ministers as resources, and the ability to help spread God’s WORD locally and abroad. The Reedy Creek Missionary Baptist Church Association is affiliated with the General Baptist State Convention.
ONE ******LORD
“There is one body, and one spirit,……”
Ephesians 4:5